This chunk of code will draw a rank order plot for a list of pathways identified in two treatments with lines connecting like pathways and colored lines connecting significantly different pathways. The plot is drawn on an empty plotting window.

#set the output figure window size
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=9, fig.height=8)
#set up the data frame (this would normally be done via reading in a file but for hack purposes I've simply
#made a single column data frame)
control_ordered<-data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,Pathway=c("-Pyrimidine metabolism","-Purine metabolism",
                                      "-Citrate cycle TCA cycle ", "-Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism",
                                      "-Cysteine and methionine metabolism", "-Pyruvate metabolism",
                                      "-Carbon fixation pathways in prokaryotes", "-Carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms",
                                      "-Pentose phosphate pathway", "-Novobiocin biosynthesis",
                                      "-Valine leucine and isoleucine degradation", "-Glycolysis & Gluconeogenesis" ,
                                      "-Phenylalanine tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis", "-Methane metabolism" ,
                                      "-Fatty acid degradation", "-Propanoate metabolism" ,
                                      "-Arginine and proline metabolism","-Butanoate metabolism",
                                      "-Limonene and pinene degradation", "-Lysine degradation" , 
                                      "-not present"))                                       

enriched_ordered<-data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,Pathway=c("-Pyrimidine metabolism", "-Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism",
                                       "-Purine metabolism","-Arginine and proline metabolism","-Carbon fixation pathways in prokaryotes",
                                       "-Glutathione metabolism", "-Butanoate metabolism","-Alanine aspartate and glutamate metabolism",
                                       "-Pyruvate metabolism","-Glycolysis & Gluconeogenesis","-beta Alanine metabolism", 
                                       "-C5 Branched dibasic acid metabolism","-Citrate cycle TCA cycle ", "-Toluene degradation",
                                       "-Methane metabolism","-Nitrogen metabolism","-Propanoate metabolism","-Tryptophan metabolism",
                                       "-Cysteine and methionine metabolism", "-Fatty acid degradation", "-not present")) 

#Create a rank order plot with colored lines connecting significantly different pathways

ylabinc<-seq(48,3,-2.15) #make sequence of numbers that will be y coordinates of pathway text

par(usr=c(0,51.96,0,51.96)) #set the extremes of the coordiantes of the plotting region
par(mar=c(0,15,1,15)) #Set number of lines of margin on each side of the plot
plot(0:52,0:52,axes = FALSE,type="n",ylab=NULL,ann=FALSE) #plot an empty figure
for (i in 1:length(control_ordered$Pathway)){  #for each control pathway write the pathway text 
  text(par("usr")[1]-50, ylabinc[i],srt=0, adj = 0, labels = control_ordered$Pathway[i], xpd=TRUE,cex=.8)
for (i in 1:length(enriched_ordered$Pathway)){ #for each enriched pathway write the pathway text
  text(par("usr")[2], ylabinc[i],srt=0, adj = 0, labels = enriched_ordered$Pathway[i], xpd=TRUE,cex=.8)

text(par("usr")[1]-45,52,srt=0,adj=0,labels="Control",xpd=TRUE,cex=1,font=2) #Add control label
text(par("usr")[2]+5,52,srt=0,adj=0,labels="Enriched",xpd=TRUE,cex=1,font=2) #Add enriched label

#set up a for loop that goes through each control pathway and finds the rank index of the matching enriched pathway
#If there's no match, the index is 21 (not present). If there is no match or if slope of the line connecting the matches
#is less than -.3 then draw a colored line between the matches or between the control pathway and "not present."
#Do the same for the enriched pathways. 
for(i in 1:(length(control_ordered$Pathway)-1)){
  ind<-which(enriched_ordered$Pathway==control_ordered$Pathway[i]) #for each control pathway,
  #find the rank of the matching pathway in the list of enriched pathways
  if (length(ind)==0){ #if the enriched pathway isn't found in the top 20
    ind<-21 #set the index to 21 (not present)
  if ((ylabinc[i]-ylabinc[ind])/(par("usr")[1]-par("usr")[2]-5)< -0.3 || ind==21){ #if the slope of the line that
    #would connect matching pathways is less than -0.3 or the pathway isn't in the enriched list
    lines(x=c(par("usr")[1],par("usr")[2]-5),y=c(ylabinc[i],ylabinc[ind]),col="turquoise4") #connect with a blue line
  } else { 
    lines(x=c(par("usr")[1],par("usr")[2]-5),y=c(ylabinc[i],ylabinc[ind]),col="black") #otherwise connect with black line

for(i in 1:(length(enriched_ordered$Pathway)-1)){ #repeat for the enriched pathway list
  if (length(ind)==0){
  if ((ylabinc[i]-ylabinc[ind])/(par("usr")[2]-par("usr")[1]-5)> 0.3 || ind==21){
  } else if (ind==21){