Welcome to the Gotelli lab meeting hack page! At our weekly lab meetings, one of us presents a brief, useful computational hack for some useful tool in statistics or graphics.
Here are the links to earlier hacks:
####26 October 2018 (Burnham)
####12 October 2018 (Gotelli) Neural Networks
####04 October 2018 (Gotelli) Long-Wide Formatting Puzzle
####14 September 2018 (Gotelli) Complex Projects
####6 September 2018 (Gotelli) Viridis color palette
####19 March 2018 (Burnham) Evolutionary robotics: Using a genetic algorithm to evolve synamptic weighs of an Artificial Neural Network to examine how robot morphology and complexity affect the evolutionary timeline.
####26 February 2018 (Gotelli) Setting random number seeds with character strings, stripping NA values from data frames, and a ggplot for loop
####12 February 2018 (Gotelli) Multi-panel layouts in ggplot
####12 November 2017 (Alex Burnham)
Multivariate Analyses
####30 October 2017 (Lauren Ash)
Graveyard with
Survival Package
####23 October 2017 (Pett) Repeated Measures ANOVA
####17 October 2017 (Gotelli) Lots of cool color palettes for plotting
####2 October 2017 (Northrop) Drawing a rank order plot in base R
####18 September 2017 (Gotelli) Power test for one-way ANOVA with artificial data