DL data from my github page (a text file).

getURL(): Gets the contents of a URL. textConnection(): Converts an object to an R vector to be read readline(): reads line of user input from console and enters it as a char.

A template to build code that takes in user input, downloads data from a web address then writes the downloaded data to a csv file.

# using the library RCUrl

getData = function(){

  output = getURL() # gets the data
  # return the output

# read user input
read_dw = function(){
  w = readline() # input of the user URL (where to DL data)
  return() # return the web URL

write.csv() # output the data to your directory

An example of the above template:

# using the library RCUrl
  if(is.null(r)) cat("package 'RCurl' failed to install")
# getURL()
# textConnection()
# readlines()
# function to download data
getData = function(web, delim, header=T){
  x = getURL(web)
  output = read.table(textConnection(x), sep = delim, fill=T, header=header)
  #output = readLines(textConnection(x))
# read data 
read_dw = function(){
  d = readline("Enter Delimiter: ")
  if (d == "\\t" | d == "\"\\t\"" || d == "tab"){
    d = "\t"
  w = readline("Enter web URL: ")
  return(c(d, w))
inputs = read_dw()
# download the data
x=getData(inputs[2], delim=inputs[1])

cat("file downloaded\n")

# create a file name
file_name = readline("Enter an output file name: ")
# create a new file name
FN = paste(file_name, ".csv", sep="")
# write a new csv
write.csv(x, file = FN, row.names=F)

DL data from NOAA or the USGS.

A template to build code that takes in user input, downloads data from NOAA then writes the downloaded data to a csv file.

# # using the library RCUrl
# install.packages("RCurl")
# library(RCurl)

readInputs = function(){
  out = readlines()

getWLcsv.USGS = function(site_no, start_date, end_date, delim = "\t"){

  web = "https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/dv?cb_00060=on&format=rdb&site_no=01509000&referred_module=sw&period=&begin_date=1996-01-01&end_date=2016-12-31"

  x = getURL(web)


for(d in 1:length(dates)){

  data = getWLcsv.USGS()


An example of the above template:

# using the library RCUrl

readInputs = function(){
  site = readline("Site Number: ")
  SD = readline("Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD): ")
  ED = readline("Ending Date (YYYY-MM-DD): ")
  TZ = readline("Time zone: ")
  cat("daily_mean", "monthly_mean", "hourly")
  int = readline("Interval: ")
  out = c(site, SD, ED, TZ, int)
# a function to write individual web addresses and download data from those individually
# created web address.
getWLcsv.NOAA = function(site_no, start_date, end_date, TimeZone, delim = ","){
  web = paste("http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/api/datagetter?product=", interval,
              "&application=NOS.COOPS.TAC.WL&station=", site_no,
              "&begin_date=", start_date, "&end_date=", end_date,
              "&datum=IGLD&units=metric&time_zone=",TimeZone,"&format=csv", sep = "")
  x = getURL(web)
  output = read.table(textConnection(x), sep = delim, fill=T, header=T)

# get the user inputs using a specified "readInputs" function
inputs = readInputs()
site_no = inputs[1]
start = input[2]
end = input[3]
TZ = input[4]
dates = seq.Date(start, end, by = "year")
dates = as.character(dates)
interval = inputs[5]
#interval = "hourly_height"
TZ = "LST" # goes with the "daily_mean" data set
#TZ = "GMT" # goes with the "hourly_height" data set
# download the data and write each file to a seperate CSV file.
for(d in 1:length(dates)){
  begin = paste(substr(dates[d], 1, 4), substr(dates[d], 6, 7), substr(dates[d], 9, 10), sep = "")
  end = paste(substr(dates[d], 1, 4), "12", "31", sep = "")
  data = getWLcsv.NOAA(site_no, begin, end, TZ)
  Year = substr(dates[d], 1, 4)
  name.file = paste("NOAA ", site_no, " ", interval, " WL", "_", Year, ".csv", sep = "")
  write.csv(data, file = name.file)

A R Data Entry Tool

A template to build code that takes in user input. The user input in this case is input to build a data table. Useful as an alternative to filling in an excell spread sheet.

# data entry tool
# Ant County Data
# Headers: Species, County, Count, Denisty
header = c()

entries = function(){
  row_entry = readline() # read a line for each column in a row


# create a new table
new_table = matrix()
colnames() = c()

# different versions of "yes"
resp = "y"
# get the user choice of whether to enter a new row of data
new_line = readline()
while(is.element(new_line, resp)){
  # get new entries for a row
  new_row = entries()
  # print the data entries that were just entered check if the entries look good?
  # if they do look good continue entering data, if they don't throw away the new line
  # and re-enter it.

# when we're done write the file as a csv or txt.

An example of the above template:

# data entry tool
# Ant County Data
# Headers: Species, County, Count, Denisty
header = c("Species", "County", "Count", "Denisty")

entries = function(){
  Spp = readline("Species: ")
  Cnty = readline("County: ")
  Cnt = readline("Count: ")
  Den = readline("Density: ")
  return(c(Spp, Cnty, Cnt, Den))

# create a new table
new_table = matrix(NA, 1, 4)
colnames(new_table) = header

# different versions of "yes"
resp = c("y", "Y", "YES", "Yes", "yes")
# get the user choice
new_line = readline("New Entry? (y or n): ")
while(is.element(new_line, resp)){
  # get new entries for a row
  new_row = entries()
  # print the data entries
  cat("Check row:", new_row, "\n")
  # do the entries look good?
  check = readline("looks good? (y or n)")
  if(is.element(new_line, check)){
    new_table = rbind(new_row, new_table)
    new_line = readline("New Entry? (y or n): ")
  } else {
    # if the data entry does no look good discard the entry and re-enter the entire
    # line
    new_line = "y"
filename = readline("Enter a new filename: ")
filename = paste(filename, ".csv", sep = "")

To run the above R tools use the source() function.

If you run the above code directly it will not run properly, you have to use the source() function to properly use this code.

##################################################################### Set your work directory here
directory = "Directory Path"
web = "https://looixiv.github.io/Bio381/Fish_data.txt"


web = "https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/dv?cb_00060=on&format=rdb&site_no=01509000&referred_module=sw&period=&begin_date=1996-01-01&end_date=2016-12-31"

site_no = "9052030" # Oswego NY
start = as.Date("1900/01/01")
end = as.Date("2014/12/31")
