Using the animation package

The animation package has two main purposes:
* 1. It provides functions for animations in statistics (mathematical, multivariate, non-parametric, computational), probability theory, sampling surveys, linear models, time series, and data mining.
* 2. It also provides functions to save animations to various formats including GIFs, HTML pages, PDFs, and videos.
* However, for GIFS and videos you need to download the third party software “ImageMagick” which is not very user friendly….

Required packages and libraries


Common parameters of the animation package

#ani.options = argument for the animation parameters (nested within)

#interval = a positive number to set the time interval of the animation (unit in seconds); default is 1, which is very slow

#nmax = maximum number of steps in a loop (or iterations) to create animation frames. The actual number of frames can be less than nmax, depending on the animation. The default is 50

#ani.width & ani.height = width and height of the image frames (unit in pixels) typically for png, jpeg; default is 480; units might differ between exporting formats

#ani.pause = it will pause for a time interval (specified in ani.options('interval')) 

Simulating coin tosses

#2-faced coin with equal probability (0.5 or NULL). 
flip.coin(faces = 2, prob = NULL, border = "white", grid = "white", col = 1:2,
          type = "p", pch = 21, bg = "transparent", digits = 3) 
#2-faced coin with unequal probability (0.9/0.1).
flip.coin(faces = 2, prob = c(0.9, 0.1), border = "white", grid = "white", col = 1:2,
          type = "p", pch = 21, bg = "transparent", digits = 3) 
#Coin with 3 potential outcomes
oopt = ani.options(interval = 0.3, nmax = ifelse(interactive(), #if else(interactive() meaning assumed human operator
    50, 2))

## A simulation where a coin could either be heads, tails or "stand on a table"
flip.coin(faces = c("Head", "Stand", "Tail"), type = "n", prob = c(0.475, 0.05, 0.475), col = c(1, 2, 4))


## Save as a HTML animation page (links to your working directory)
    ani.options(interval = 0.3, nmax = ifelse(interactive(), 50, 
    par(mar = c(2, 3, 2, 1.5), mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0))
    flip.coin(faces = c("Head", "Stand", "Tail"), type = "n", 
        prob = c(0.475, 0.05, 0.475), col = c(1, 2, 4))
}, = "flip.coin", htmlfile = "flip.coin.html", ani.height = 500, 
    ani.width = 600, title = "Probability of flipping coins", 
    description = c("This animation has provided a simulation of flipping coins", "which might be helpful in understanding the concept of probability."))
## HTML file created at: flip.coin.html

A simulation of the death of two species with certain probabilities

# Suppose there are two plant species in a field: A and B. 
# One of them will die at each time and a new plant will grow in the place where the old plant died. 
# The species of the new plant depends on the proportions of two species: the larger the proportion is, the greater the probability for this species to come up will be

oopt = ani.options(nmax = ifelse(interactive(), 25, 2), interval = 0.3)
par(ann = FALSE, mar = rep(0, 4))
ecol.death.sim(nr = 10, nc = 10, num.sp = c(50, 50), col.sp = c(8, 2), pch.sp = c(20,17), col.die = 1, pch.die = 4, cex = 3)


## Save as a HTML animation page (links to your working directory)
    ani.options(interval = 0.3, nmax = ifelse(interactive(), 25, 
    par(ann = FALSE, mar = rep(0, 4))
    ecol.death.sim(nr = 10, nc = 10, num.sp = c(50, 50), col.sp = c(8, 2), pch.sp = c(20,17), col.die = 1, pch.die = 4, cex = 3)
}, = "ecol.death.sim", htmlfile = "ecol.death.sim.html", ani.height = 500, 
    ani.width = 600, title = "Ecological Death Simulation", 
    description = c("This animation shows the simulation of the death of two species with certain probabilities."))

#Changing the proportion of species/probability of species replacing another: prob = 0.25/0.75
ecol.death.sim = function(
  nr = 10, nc = 10, num.sp = c(50, 50), col.sp = c(1, 2), pch.sp = c(1, 2),
  col.die = 1, pch.die = 4, cex = 3, ...
) {
  x = rep(1:nc, nr)
  y = rep(1:nr, each = nc)
  p = factor(sample(c(rep(1, 25), rep(2,75))), levels = 1:2)
  nmax = ani.options('nmax')
  for (i in 1:nmax) {
    dev.hold() #this gives a way to hold/flush output on certain on-screen devices
    plot(1:nc, 1:nr, type = 'n', xlim = c(0.5, nc + 0.5), ylim = c(0.5, nr + 0.5), ...)
    abline(h = 1:nr, v = 1:nc, col = 'lightgray', lty = 3)
    points(x, y, col = col.sp[p], pch = pch.sp[p], cex = cex)
    idx = sample(nr * nc, 1)
    points(x[idx], y[idx], pch = pch.die, col = col.die, cex = cex, lwd = 3)
    tbl = as.vector(table(p))
    tbl = tbl + if (as.integer(p[idx]) > 1) c(0, -1) else c(-1, 0)
    p[idx] = sample(1:2, 1, prob = tbl)

Other functions within the package

Simple animation not using preset ‘animation’ functions

oopt = ani.options(interval = 1.5)
for (i in 1:5) {
  plot(runif(10), ylim = c(0, 1))
}, htmlfile = "simple.plot.html", = "simple.plot")
## HTML file created at: simple.plot.html

#This could be useful especially if you have different replicates of the same graph! 

#What graphs do we have replicates of where it might be useful to look at an animation of all of the plots... The RanWalk function! 


Animation of the RanWalk Function

RanWalk <- function(times=100, 
                    noiseSD=10) {
  n <- rep(NA, times)
  n[1] <- n1
  noise <- rnorm(n=times, mean=0, sd=noiseSD)
  for (i in 1:(times-1)) {
    n[i + 1] <- lambda*n[i] + noise[i] #would write in a manusript as n(t+1) = lambda(nt) + e
    if(n[i + 1] <= 0){
      n[i+ 1] <- NA
      cat("Population extinction at time", 
          i-1, "\n")
      break} #end of conditional statement
  } #end of for loop
} #end of function
## [1] 50.00000 30.91826 40.90250 43.67661 39.89196 36.55936
  for (i in 1:10) {
    plot(RanWalk(), type="o")
}, htmlfile = "RanWalk.html", = "RanWalk.plot", description = "Animation of stochastic random walks (model population growth)")
## Population extinction at time 74
## Population extinction at time 78
## Population extinction at time 10
## Population extinction at time 4
## Population extinction at time 23
## Population extinction at time 19
## Population extinction at time 24
## Population extinction at time 83
## HTML file created at: RanWalk.html

More complicated animation not using preset ‘animation’ functions

#For this example expand your plot window!
#This animation plots the density functions of 150 draws of 100 values from a normally distributed random variable
#Set delay between frames when replaying

# Set up a vector of colors for use below 
col.range <- heat.colors(15)

# Begin animation loop
  layout(matrix(c(1, rep(2, 5)), 6, 1))
  par(mar=c(3,3,1,1) + 0.1)
  for (i in 1:150) { # Begin the loop that creates the 150 individual graphs
    chunk <- rnorm(100)+sqrt(abs((i)-51))  # Pull 100 observations from a normal distribution
      # and add a constant based on the iteration to move the distribution
    par(fg=1) # Reset the color of the top chart every time (so that it doesn’t change as the 
      # bottom chart changes)
    # Set up the top chart that keeps track of the current frame/iteration
    plot(-5, xlim = c(1,150), ylim = c(0, .3), axes = F, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "Iteration") 
    abline(v=i, lwd=5, col = rgb(0, 0, 255, 255, maxColorValue=255))
    abline(v=i-1, lwd=5, col = rgb(0, 0, 255, 50, maxColorValue=255))
    abline(v=i-2, lwd=5, col = rgb(0, 0, 255, 25, maxColorValue=255))
    # Bring back the X axis
     # Set the color of the bottom chart based on the distance of the distribution’s mean from 0
    par(fg = col.range[mean(chunk)+3])
    # Set up the bottom chart
    plot(density(chunk), xlab = "x-value", xlim = c(-5, 15), ylim = c(0, .6))
     # Add a line that indicates the mean of the distribution. Add additional lines to track
      # previous means
    abline(v=mean(chunk), col = rgb(255, 0, 0, 255, maxColorValue=255))
    if (exists("lastmean")) {abline(v=lastmean, col = rgb(255, 0, 0, 50, maxColorValue=255)); prevlastmean <- lastmean;}
    #Fix last mean calculation
    lastmean <- mean(chunk)
}, = "density_normal_dist", htmlfile = "normal.dist.html", ani.height = 500, 
    ani.width = 600, title = "Normal Distribution", 
    description = c("This animation plots the density functions of 150 draws of 100 values from a normally distributed random variable.") )
## HTML file created at: normal.dist.html

Limitations of the animation package