The goal of this first exercise is to make sure that all of your software is installed properly and working.

Make sure everything is set up and working on the laptop that you will be using for this course.

Specifically, you should have the most current versions of R and RStudio installed. Within R, you need the tinytex package installed so that can create (“knit”) pdf documents.

You also need the latest version of Typora (a markdown editor), Inkscape, a plain text editor (BBEdit for Macs, or Notepad++ for Windows). And you need to be signed up for a GitHub account and have handy your github user name and password. An installation and troubleshooting guide for the various programs is linked here.

The TA will make a brief presentation and step you through a series of checks to make sure you are ready to go on all of these things.

Due by the end of lab: