Biology 6100 - Computational Biology

Nicholas J. Gotelli

Spring 2025


This site contains course materials, scripts, homeworks, and resources for Computational Biology, Spring 2025.

Lecture Outlines & Homework Assignments

Date Lecture Homework
January 14 Introduction -
January 15 - Homework #1
January 16 GitHub -
January 21 Markdown -
January 22 - Homework #2
January 23 Regular Expressions -
January 28 Atomic Vectors I -
January 29 - Homework #3
January 30 Atomic Vectors II -
February 4 Matrices, Lists, Data Frames -
February 5 Portfolio Check #1 Homework #4
February 6 Matrices, Lists, Data Frames II -
February 11 Functions I -
February 12 - Homework #5
February 13 Functions II -
February 18 Control Structures -
February 19 - Homework # 6
February 20 Data Curation -
February 25 Functions (Experimental Designs)
February 26 Homework # 7
February 27 Functions 2 Lecture 13
March 4 Town Meeting Day Recess -
March 5 Portfolio Check #2 Catch-Up Day
March 6 Control Structures I -
March 11 Spring Recess -
March 12 Spring Recess -
March 13 Spring Recess -
March 18 dplyr/SQL -
March 19 dplyr+SQL lecture notes Homework #8
March 20 For Loops I -
March 25 For Loops II -
March 26 - Homework #9
March 27 Strategic Coding Practices I -
April 1 Strategic Coding Practices II -
April 2 - Homework #10
April 3 ggplot I -
April 8 ggplot II -
April 9 Portfolio Check #3 Homework #11
April 10 ggplot III -
April 15 ggplot IV -
April 16 - Homework #12
April 17 Functional Programming -
April 22 Shell Commands -
April 23 - Catch-up Day
April 24 - Catch-up Day
April 29 Lecture Spillover Day -
April 30 Lecture Spillover Day -
May 1 Lecture Spillover Day -

Important Dates

  • 17 January: Last day to add classes without instructor permission
  • 27 January: Add/Drop, Pass/No Pass, Audit Deadline
  • 28 March: Last day to withdraw
  • 18 April: Honors Day
  • 2 May: Last day of classes
  • 3,3,7 May: Reading days
  • 5,6,8,9 May: Final exam days

Meet The Class of 2025

Student GitHub and Portfolio Links Fun Fact
Juliana Barbosa Torreao Dau GitHub I love to paint using watercolor.
Taylor Bean GitHub I have 2 axolotls named Neil and Oscar
Claire Benning GitHub My max speed alpine skiing is 52 mph
Isaac Buabeng GitHub I speak four languages (three fluently, the other so so!) and enjoy trying different types of food!
Audrey Commerford GitHub I have dyed my hair every color of the rainbow.
Lauren Connolly GitHub I live in Vermont and I have never been skiing
Laura Costello GitHub I’ve seen 29 wild orchid species in New England, and my goal is to see them all
Silas Decker GitHub I love soil, specifically microbes within
Nick Gotelli GitHub Portfolio For the past 40 years, I have owned and raised pure-bred, show-quality chow chows.
Rei Jia GitHub My parents were in a National Geographic documentary
Robert Jones GitHub I was briefly the Northern most human in the state of Alaska
Noah Mattheis GitHub
Nick Maurizi GitHub I love mountain biking
Sydney Miller GitHub I weave textiles!
Graham Montague GitHub I night snorkeled with American Eels last summer in Lake Champlain!
George Ni GitHub Portfolio I used to train birds for falconry and science shows.
Leslie Paredes Torres GitHub I used to be a dolphin trainer
Emma Privett GitHub I have an among us tattoo!
Lamija Semic GitHub I study the Colorado potato beetle!
Isabelle Smith GitHub I have never broken a bone
Sarah Stover GitHub My mom is a twin and so am I
Sage Sularz GitHub I love to travel and have visited 6/7 continents (so far!)
Jay Sullivan GitHub I have been sailing for a little more than a decade.
Vincent Tamakloe GitHub I love soccer, and I am pretty good at it
Sam Troast GitHub I’m an identical twin
Maggie Trout GitHub I went to an arts school for middle and high school
Maddie Winer GitHub I have been vegan for the past 3 years.
Nicolas Zapata GitHub I really like statistics but it takes me a long time to process the data (in my head).